Arrow functions

Arrow functions added in ES6 provide a good replacement for function expressions. But do you understand them completely? This is a small test to check it out.

  1. (_ => _)(99)
  2. ((x=>{})(),(x=>x=>x)())(()=>true)(false)
  3. null => null
  4. null, undefined => null
  5. (({})({}))
  6. (() => {x:1})()
  7. (() => ({x:1}))()
  8. (() => arguments)(99)
  9. ((x,y,z) => (1,2,3))(4,5,6)
  10. () => () => () => {}
  11. () => {} == () => {}
  12. (() => { return this;})()
  13. () => ()
  14. (() => {return})()
  15. x => false()
  16. (() => [()=>(1)])()[0]()
  17. (let => let)('Really?')
  18. (const => const)('Really again?')
  19. var y = (var) => {var}
  20. `${() => 3}`
  21. (() => Function()())()
  22. typeof ()=>{}

Correct answers :

Incorrect answers :

Unanswered :

For all explanations to above question please see the article